Thursday, March 15, 2012

outside my window

They are there. Even though it takes an act of Congress for me to get out the door these days with this twenty pound brick attached to my leg, life goes on, and they are there.

Amazing King Alfred jonquils - (yes, I say jonquils because I'm Southern and I have an affection for Tennessee Williams's Amanda and all belles) the fruit of my fall battle with Cody, our newest four-legged family member. My screams plus trowel jabs attempted to persuade him that bulbs fit better in the dirt than in his mouth. Yes, he did snatch a few when I wasn't looking, and as I made my way back inside, I found a trail of gnawed brown blobs dotting the trail. I searched for the nearest mound of dirt, shoved them down, and hoped there was enough cover to produce a flower. Yea! Enough dirt!

Pink bursting tulips - yes, they, too, escaped the savageness of Cody. They popped up, just in time to keep King Alfred company.

Life goes on. Just look outside the window. Over your shoulder. Spring in the South is exceptional, amazing, awe-inspiring, and I was so afraid I would miss it. However, I didn't. I just have to work a little harder to discover, but it's there. The world keeps turning and the flowers keep blooming. For me, that is reassuring. Having one less leg to maneuver on does not stop the world from turning. Working a bit harder to experience or view life's most ordinary moments does make those moments extraordinary.

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