My thought for this morning:
I'm hungry.
And, when did this become the year of 'get healthy' - in whatever way possible. Thus far, the exhaustive workouts, the Achilles Tendon repair and now, the colonoscopy, have pushed me to the limits, and I swear, I'm tired.
Another thought:
I'm nervous. There's always a twinge of doubt as you look into the face that that well-meaning nurse who showers you with "It's going to be okay, sweetie" and then you inhale and pray she's right. So far, so good. Then your eyes flutter as her voice breaks your subconscious, and it's over. I've got this surgery (anesthesia) thing down-pat. At least the time-lapse segment. One, you're on the table; two, you're in the recovery. I don't care to know what happens in between
one and
Back to
I'm hungry. This is an excellent way to jump start losing weight -
this colonscopy creature. Not that I recommend this to anyone (unless you're doing your fifth decade duty), but you always have to look on the bright side. You have to find the silver lining, and so
this is my silver lining.
So, as Craig Ferguson said before me: "It's my birthday present to myself." (I'm early, but that's okay.) Hopefully, good news and this will be in the
can (yeah, sort of a pun) for the next 10 years.
You must do what you must do to see your children tomorrow, wake up next to your husband for the next million years, and completely fill that bucket list you spent so long in creating.
But as my luck would have it, there will be another
something, something that will rear its ugly head, and say, "Hey, Judy, It's time."And like a good girl, I'll answer the call.
Post-mortem: The Day After
Fear is worse than the actual experience. Old people will tell you that.
Don't fret. You're not the first to do this and you won't be the last. It was okay. The worse part? Drinking that chalky-metal clear crap the day before (chasing with apple juice was the life-saver) and the IV. For some of you, bad taste is no biggie, and for most of the world, an IV is just an arm-poke away. I'm one of the lucky ones that has a difficult time with both issues. But in the end, the procedure was painless because propofol is the best thing since sliced bread. A few issues found but nothing that being medically proactive can't fix.
So do it. Listen to your doctor and when she says, "Colonscopy?" You say, "When?"